
1.1 If the Customers are "consumers" (i.e. a natural person acting for purposes other than their entrepreneurial, commercial, artisanal or professional activity), the Customers have the right, pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 64 of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005, to withdraw from the Sales Contracts within 30 days from the date of receipt of the Products covered by the Sales Contracts. The Right of withdrawal must be exercised by the Customers by sending a written communication, by e-mail to the address indicated in art. 15, containing:
(i) the expression of the will to exercise the right of withdrawal;
(ii) the indication of the Order which gave rise to the Sales Contract from which they intend to withdraw.
1.2 In the event that Customers exercise the right of withdrawal referred to in this art. 9.:
(i) Customers undertake to return the Products within 10 working days from the date of the withdrawal notice referred to in art. 1.1;
(ii) all costs associated with the return of the Products are entirely borne by the Customers;
(iii) undertakes to refund the Price as soon as possible, and in any case within 30 days from the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice referred to in art. 1.1, provided that:
- the Products have been returned and are intact;
- the original packaging/wrapping of the Products is also returned and is intact;
- any accessories, instruction manuals, etc. are also returned and are intact;
- the receipt sent with the purchase is returned;
- the Products have not been used;

(iv) will communicate to Customers the methods of reimbursement of the Price and may, to this end, request from Customers their bank details (IBAN and account holder).
1.3 If Customers exercise the right of withdrawal in a manner that does not comply with the methods and terms set out in this Article 1, and in particular if they do not return the receipt proving the purchase, Customers are not entitled to a refund of the Price.


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